Trefzger - Specific Immigrants to N.A.
Living descendants have been found for the following 19 Trefzger immigrants from 11 families:
Joseph, (b.1844) immigrated in 1848 (4 years old) with his parents and brother Edward to New York City, NY.
Edward, (b.1847) immigrated in 1848 (1 year old) with his parents and brother Joseph to New York City, NY.
note: Joseph and Edward’s parents were Josef and Anna Raiker Trefzger. They brought the two boys to the States in 1848. We have found no records of the parents in the U.S.A. We assume they went back to Switzerland before 1866.
note: In 1948 Franz Joseph Trefzger, a teacher, was an advocate of the idea of a German National Parliament to build a German federation (of individual German states plus Austria-Hungary).
The movement found strong public support amoung the people. In 1849 there was an armed revolt against the government. Franz Joseph was a leader of the revolt.
The idea died because the German Royal Princes were opposed to the idea and called in Prussian troops to suppress the movement and the revolt.
Franz Joseph Trefzger along with the other retreating armed insurgents, was forced to flee into Switzerland.
It was believed that he emmegrated to North America with his younger brother Martin Trefzger in 1951.
note:I have been able to find no trace of Franz Joseph Trefzger in the U.S.A.
Martin, (b.1815) immigrated in 1851 with his wife and 5 children to Donaldson, PA..
Maria Anna, (b.1826) immigrated in 1855 to Cincinnati, OH. then to Tell City, IN..
Anton, (b.1828) immigrated in 1855 to St. Louis, MO..
Simon, (b.1831) immigrated in 1855 with his wife and 2 children to Cincinnati, OH then to Peoria, IL.
note:Simon (imm. 1855), Anton (imm. 1855) and Marianna (imm. 1855) were siblings and immigrated together.
John, (b.1852) immigrated in 1880 to Dayton, OH. He brought his wife and 2 children over about 2 years later. Then later they moved to southern CA.
Joseph, (b.1852) immigrated in 1881 to Dayton, OH then Cincinnati, OH.
note:John (imm. 1880), and Joseph (imm. 1881) were brothers.
August, (b.1844) immigrated in 1882 with his wife and 2 sons to Cincinnati, OH.
Arnold, (b.1864) immigrated in 1892 to Mahonay, PA then Cleveland, OH.
'Fritz' Gustave Frederick, (b.1882) immigrated in 1905 with his sister Pauline to Patterson,NJ.(children of Fridolin who immigrated in 1909)
Fred, (b.1890) (b.18immigrated in 1907 joined the military and lived in PA and Iowa.
‘Hardy’ Leonard, (b.1883) immigrated in 1908 to St. Albins, VT then to Sitka, Alaska.
Fridolin, (b.1838) immigrated in 1909 with his wife and 3 other daughters. But he and his wife returned to Germany in 1912.
Gotfried, (b.1908) immigrated in mid 1920s to Manatoba then Vancouver, B.C..
Otto, immigrated in 1953 to Florida..
Ontario Trefzgers immigranted to Ontario, Canada:
Erwin, immigrated in 1954 with his wife and 2 children.(family living)
Inge, immigrated in 1958.(living)(Sibling of Erwin (imm.1954))
Dirk, immigrated in 1988.(living)(Nephew of Erwin (imm.1954) and Inge (imm.1958))
No living descendants have been found for the folling immigrants:
Alois (imm. 1853) Arnold (imm. 1924) Berta (imm. 1921) Edward (about 1865???) Franz Joseph (imm. 1852?) Fredrick D. (before 1920) Fridolin (imm. 1854) Karl (imm. 1911) Luisa (imm. 1907)
Lists of immigrants in alphabetical order, by year of immigration, immigrants living today, and a list of Trefzgers who we could not connect with a family.
Special note to Trefsgers, Trefsgars, Trefgers, Tresgers, and Trevors:
If you spell your name:
‘Trefsger’ you are a descendant of Martin Trefzger who immigrated with his family in 1851.
‘Trefsgar’ you are a descendant of Martin Trefzger who immigrated with his family in 1851.
‘Trefger’ you are a descendant of Friedrich Wilhelm Trefzger who immigrated in 1907.
‘Tresger’ you are a descendant of Arnold Trefzger who immigrathed in 1892.
‘Trevor’ you might be a descendant of Gotfried Heinrich Trefzger who immigrated in the mid 1920s.
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