Trefzger - General Information

Church records:
Our ancestors were found in the microfilmed records of St. Martin Catholic Church In Wehr, Baden.
All of the Trefzger immigrants whose ancestors could be traced have come from 2 families who lived in the little town of Wehr, Baden in the Black Forest in Southwestern Germany. See:
Friedli's family:   Friedli family immigrants,   Friedli study,   Simon Trefzger Sr.,   Friedli_family_records,
Joseph's family:   Joseph_family_immigrants,   Joseph study,   Which Joannes?,   Which Joseph?,   Joseph family records.

About the city of Wehr, Baden, the meaning of the name Trefzger, Trefzgers mentioned in a book on the history of Wehr, maps showing the location on Wehr, the geography and history of Wehr, Baden the residence of the earliest Trefzgers, the occupations found in the early records, and a list of the L.D.S. microfilm available from St. Martin's Church in Wehr.
The National Geographic Society has launched a study to trace the journey of our Ancestors. I submitted my DNA. Click the Genographic Project to see the migration route of our ancestors took to get to Wehr, Baden.

Immigrant lists:
Lists of immigrants in alphabetical order, by year of immigration, immigrants living today, immigrants with no living descendants found, and a list of Trefzgers who we could not connect with a family.

Study reports sent to family members:
1993,   1994,   1995,   1996,   1997,   1998,   One Family???

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