Which Joseph Trefzger?

We know that a Joseph Trefzger was the father of Joannes Trefzer born in 1751. But which Joseph Trefzger was the correct ancestor?

Joseph Trefzger and Anna Maria Bruegger had ten children between 1730-1751.

Joseph Trefzger and Anna Maria Hind or Hund had 7 children between 1737-1752.

Which Joseph is the correct Joseph Trefzger?

Assuming that Joseph would have had to be at least 15 years old, and no more than 46 years old to father the children above Joseph would have had to be born between 1705 and 1722.

Between the years 1705 to 1722 there were 6 'Joseph Trefzger's born in Wehr.:
11/31/1705, son of Fridoline Trefzger and Elizabeth Thoman
01/15/1707, son of Hans and Verna
07/12/1712, son of Hans Jacob Trefzger and Catharina Eschbach
02/26/1713, son of Joseph Trefzger and Maria Bonig
10/01/1720, son of Hans Jacob Trefzger and Maria Kauffman

Which Joseph is the correct Joseph Trefzger?

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