Agatha Berger
   1884 - 1885

Agatha was born on 7/26/1884. She died of scarlet fever on 1/30/1885.

"My earliest recollection takes me back to 1884, the year my sister Agatha was born. I had the whooping cough that summer, when I was four and a half years old, and I felt it to be a real punishment, when I had to look at the baby from the doorway. (the first door to the left at the top of the stairway.)"*

"At six months, she was a strong, well developed child, and yet when she developed scarlet fever, it proved fatal. Although she was the fifth daughter, she had in that short time, made a definite place for herself in the family.*

*Quotes by Teresa Berger Sheblessy.

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